買 ZTL Entry Ticket\n◆ The procedure is as follows:\n- First check whether your car is suitable to enter Area C\n- If the car can circulate you enter the ZTL\n- You go to the car park where one of our representatives will resell the ticket which must be paid\nexclusively in cash\n- The ticket is activated to confirm the purchase by midnight on the same day of entry .\n激活 ZTL Entry Ticket\n◆ HOW TO ACTIVATE THE AREA C TICKET\n- The entry ticket into the ZTL of Milan can be activated with one of the following methods:\n方法一:By calling the call center on 02-48684001 and communicating the ticket number and vehicle license\nplate。You can call the special call center, available on this number: + 39-02-48684001
方法二:By sending an SMS to the telephone number shown on the ticket and writing the ticket number and\nvehicle license plate in the body of the message. Send a text message to this number: 339-994-0437. The text\nshould include the phrase \"PIN.plate\". This service is available 24 hours.\n方法三:Online on the Area C website with the \"Activate Ticket\" function\nYou can go to Via Friuli 30, every day from Monday to Friday from 8.00-16.00.\nYou can activate your ticket online in the Area C activation page\nResidents can also activate their tickets on this address: via Beccaria 19. This service is available every day from\nMonday-Friday 9.00-12.30 and 14.00-16.00.\n*The customer will be asked for a mobile number or an email address to which the activation
You can purchase your ticket online through this website: Access ticket ZTL Milan Area C.\nhttps://areac.atm-mi.it/Areac/IWeb/Acquisto.aspx\n官網:https://www.comune.milano.it/aree-tematiche/mobilita/area-c#navpageinside