我粗粗搜了下没搜到保单,而且你在哪一国借的,保单也肯定会有出入。但是,europcar官网上关于collision damage protection的说明里有以下排除(不属于保险保障)的事项:
What is excluded from the protection?
• You will be financially liable for the full cost of the damage to the Vehicle if the damage is caused:
o by the wilful acts of the driver; or 由驾驶员故意行为引起的车辆损失
o by an explosion or fire in (or to) the Vehicle because you are using it to transport dangerous goods (dangerous goods being any product or substance that, due to its nature and/ or main characteristics, is reasonably considered to be dangerous and which, if not transported with appropriate caution and safety, could cause harm to the Vehicle, and to any Third Party within a reasonable distance of the Vehicle); or
o by its total or partial theft or an act of vandalism whilst the Vehicle is left parked unattended.
o by your negligence (which is behaviour that falls below the standards expected of a reasonably sensible person in similar circumstances) or the negligence of your Passengers (for example but not limited to a fire caused by the use or disposal of cigarettes or cigars); 这一条大意是因驾驶员或乘客的过失造成的车损
o because the keys are lost or stolen
- travelling on non-paved roads or on roads, the surface or state of repair of which could put the vehicle's wheels, tires or its under body mechanics at risk, 非铺装道路行驶或者行驶在可能构成车辆轮子、轮胎、底盘损伤的道路
- in any way which breaks the highway Code, road traffic laws or any other laws. 因任何违反高速公路法规、道路交通法规或其他任何法律引发的车损责任